
Guido Aben

Lensa Abera
Ethiopian Education and Research Network
System Administrator

Claudio Allocchio
Claudio Allocchio studied astrophysics and particle physics, but also music (piano). In 1985 he started his computer networking activities at CERN and then returned to Trieste (1988). Among the founders of GARR NREN, he managed the COSINE mail gateway services (early 90s) and the Italian Naming Authority (".it" regulator). Since 1991, he is a member of the application area directorate at IETF. He is the GARR senior technical director for advanced applications and security areas. Claudio is coordinating the development of LoLa (the liw latency videoconferencing system for performing arts education). In 2019 he was awarded the Medal of Honour from the Viesch Foundation. Since 2020 is the Chair of the GEANT Community Committee

Paulo Artaxo
Professor of Atmospheric Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Professor Paulo Artaxo is an environmental physicist known for his scientific research and activities on global climate change, the Amazonian ecosystem and urban air pollution. His work has been praised at international level for fostering scientific growth in developing countries. Member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) group - which analysed the global effects of aviation on climate - and of the IPCC Geoengineering task force, he was the Lead Author of the IPCC SRCCL – Special Report on Climate Change and Land, delivered in 2019. One of the most cited Brazilian scientists, Paulo Artaxo is also a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). In 2004, the Brazilian Senate awarded him a prestigious recognition for his contributions to the study of the hydrological cycle in Amazonia. His international accolades and awards include the fellowship of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Honoris Causa PhD from the University of Stockholm and the "Premio Almirante Álvaro Alberto", the most prestigious scientific award in Brazil.

Chris Atherton
Chris Atherton is a Research Engagement Officer at GÉANT, focusing on providing cutting-edge pan-European networking, and trust and identity services. His role focuses on supporting International user communities and organisations, as well as identifying new solutions to specific research requirements primarily in the Earth Observation, Astronomy and Planetary Science communities. Chris has over 10 years’ experience working in the IT and Space industry prior to joining GÉANT and holds a BSc (Hons) in Computer Networks and Security.

Laurent Aublet-Cuvelier
Laurent Aublet-Cuvelier has joined RENATER (the French National Research and Education Network) in 2011. Formerly, he worked as a system and network administrator for research labs, supporting research teams.
Currently, he is the project leader of 2 majors services around email and collaboration: the National spam filtering platform, which protects more than 3 millions of R&E users, and PARTAGE, the R&E email collaborative platform (550 000 users at the end of 2020).
Joao Bacelar

Jon Baldwin
Managing director of higher education
As the UK executive lead for Jisc’s Higher Education Division, Jon leads higher education (HE) member engagement with the account management team, and the development and coordination of Jisc’s HE strategy and its implementation. This includes engaging with senior sector stakeholders and, internally, working closely with product executive directors to ensure Jisc meets sector needs.
Between 2013¬-2019 Jon worked for theTribal Group as MD HE having joined from Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, where he was the deputy vice chancellor.
Jon was registrar/secretary at both the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and at the University of Warwick and has also held management, teaching and administration posts at the University of Wolverhampton, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh and Lancashire Polytechnic, as well as teaching at the Open University and in further education. He has also published papers and articles on a wide range of education-related topics.

Alex Band
NLnet Labs
Alex Band is the Director of Product Development at NLnet Labs, a not-for-profit foundation with a long heritage in research and development, Internet architecture and governance, as well as stability and security in the area of DNS and inter-domain routing.
Alex has over twenty years experience in the Internet industry, starting his career at Hewlett Packard in 1996. Going through various roles, ranging from technical support to engineering, he gained a very broad view on Internet technology and governance.
Before joining NLnet Labs in 2017, Alex was Technical Trainer and later Product Manager at the RIPE NCC, the Regional Internet Registry for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia. In these roles which he has had for almost ten years, Alex gained the experience to explain complex technical, privacy and Internet governance-related topics to a wide range of audiences, such as network engineers and government officials.

Alex Barchiesi
Physicist and creative, studied Particle Physics in Rome La Sapienza University, fellow in Fermi Institute Chicago.
Ph.D. in Paul Sherrer Institute (PSI) and La Sapienza University of Rome, researcher for GRID project in Atlas experiment at CERN - deputy ATLAS software manager CERN.
Postdoc at Ecole Politecnique Federale Lausanne (EPFL)
Head of the SINLAB.
Teacher of PXS Personal Interaction Studio course in the Department of Computer Science of EPFL Faculty of Computer and Communication Sciences (I&C).
Instructor of Home 2.0 course in the department of Architecture of EPFL Faculty of Environmental, Civic Engineering and Architecture (ENAC).
Senior researcher at Italian academy and research network institute (GARR) responsible for research and development of federated cloud infrastructures and architecture in CSD (Distributed Storage and Computing) department.
First Italian Advanced Research member of Planetary Collegium Plymouth University.
Blockchain early adopter and evangelist.

Duuk Baten
Projectmanager at SURF's innovation-team. Working on AI in Education, Public Values, and Digitization of Labs.

Jeronimo Bezerra
AmLight Chief Network Engineer
IT Associate Director at Florida International University

Sue Black
Professor of Computer Science and Technology Evangelist at Durham University, UK
Named in the list of top 50 women in tech in Europe, and winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Lovie Awards 2018, Sue Black is one of the leading tech personalities in the UK today. An award-winning computer scientist, radical thinker, and social entrepreneur she is well known for founding the high profile campaign to save Bletchley Park.
Sue is a passionate advocate for women in tech, and has spent the last 20 years campaigning for more recognition and support for women in computing. This led to her founding #techmums, a social enterprise which empowers mums and their families through technology. Sue is an academic with 20+ years’ experience with over 40 publications and a PhD in software engineering to her name.
In 2017 she received the Social Impact ABIE Award at the Grace Hopper Celebration, was made an OBE in the New Year Honours list 2016 and sits on the Government’s new advisory board for improving digital services.
Sue has joined the computer science department at Durham University as a Professor in Computer Science and Technology Evangelist.
Peter Boers
Peter has been heavily involved from the beginning of the Automation and Orchestration efforts at SURF. In the past years he has helped design and implement the orchestrator which is at the heart of service delivery on the SURF network.
During day to day operations Peter works as a Software Architect/DevOps engineer on the Automation and Orchestrator platform by leveraging open source technologies including; Kubernetes and various other projects from the CNCF community, like Linkerd2, OPA, Helm, Skaffold, containerd etc. Programing languages like; Python, Angular and React. And tools like: Ansible, Chef, Git, Gitlab CI/CD.

Sebastiano Buscaglione
Sebastiano Buscaglione, is a professional, with many years of experience supporting large scale data networks. Before joining DANTE, now GÉANT, in 2012 where he is currently employed as Senior Network Architect he worked as part of the At&t global operations department. Currently, Sebastiano leads the GN4-3N task looking at the definition of the future topology of the GÉANT Network.

Mauro Campanella
Mauro Campanella is innovation coordinator and responsible for international research projects for the Italian research and education Network (GARR). He started working on computers and networks in 1984. He participated to various European Projects and contributed to GEANT since its beginning, now serving in the GEANT Project Planning Committee. He is contributing to the next generation of the GARR network
Joo Yeon Cho
ADVA Optical Networking SE
Chad Coller
President SRNet

Italo Valcy Da Silva Brito
Senior Network Engineer at Florida International University (FIU), in the AmLight/AMPATH project, and Ph.D. student at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

Leïla Dekkar
Leïla Dekkar is an International Relations Project Manager at GÉANT, focusing on the the AfricaConnect3 and the Emerging NREN programme.
AfricaConnect3 (AC3) is the third phase of the AfricaConnect project. It builds on the success of its predecessor projects, AfricaConnect and AfricaConnect2, in supporting the creation, development and use of advanced, reliable Internet connectivity for the teaching, learning and research communities of Africa.
AfricaConnect3 will connect Africa to unlimited possibilities by improving and enabling access for researchers, students and institutions to digital infrastructures and technologies.

Antoine Delvaux
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
Antoine Delvaux holds a M.Sc.Eng. degree in Computer Science from the University of Liège, Belgium (1999). He is working for PSNC, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, and is perfSONAR Service Manager in the GÉANT project. He has participated in different network and services monitoring activities, both on the operational and the software development sides, for many years and for various (N)REN (Belnet, Dante, PSNC, WACREN, International Networks @ Indiana University). He is involved in the perfSONAR project since 2008.

Conrad Ekisa
Institute of Technology, Carlow
Conrad Ekisa is currently a Postgraduate Researcher and Associate Lecturer at the Institute of Technology, Carlow. The main focus of his research work is Industrial Control System cybersecurity deficiencies. Conrad holds a BSc (Hons) in Telecommunications Engineering from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda and he is passionate about leveraging solutions in the telecommunications space to support health and education service delivery as well as socio-economic status improvement. Conrad previously worked with the Research and Development arm at the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) and netLabs!UG Research Centre in Makerere University. He also worked with the network operations centre teams at Airtel Uganda and Vodafone Uganda, and the network operations team at the Uganda Internet Exchange Point (UIXP).
Luis Eliécer Cadenas

Fabio Farina
Consortium GARR
Fabio works for GARR, the Italian National Research & Education Network, since 2010 working on R&D and new services development. Before joining GARR, Fabio spent a few years at CERN working on distributed large scale data analysis for CMS, one of the Large Hadron Collider detectors.

Serge Fdida
Professor Computer Science Dept - Vice-President International Development - Sorbonne Université
Serge Fdida, Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Sorbonne University since 1995, in 2018 was appointed Vice-President of International Development.
With extensive experience in international research management Serge has been a scientific adviser at CNRS-STIC and held prestigious positions at Pierre and Marie Curie University from 2011 to 2017..
An innovation and industry transfer expert, Serge was the Director of EURONETLAB, a joint laboratory with Thales, co-founder of Qosmos, vice president of the national French telecommunications research network, and currently president of the French community of the KIC EIT Health.
His research interests focus on the future internet as well as the design of federated testbeds to support experimentally driven research. He has been leading many research projects in High Performance Networking in France and Europe, notably pioneering the European activity on internet test platforms. He is currently coordinating several EU H2020 projects in this area including the SLICES initiative and he is a Distinguished ACM Member and an IEEE Senior Member.

Antônio Carlos Fernandes Nunes
Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP)
Antônio Carlos Fernandes Nunes is MSc in Electrical Engineering from the Teleinformatics and Automation Group (GTA) at The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and graduated in Systems Engineering and Computer at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). He joined RNP (Brazilian NREN) in May 1998 where he has worked in operations, administration and systems development. As Special Projects Manager of the General Directory he has led and worked on several projects, inter-ministerial, and has driven the emergence and growth of the Federal Point of Interconnection Networks (FIX), and Coordinator of the Brasilia PTT Metro project in CGI.br, Supervisor of Midwest Community Networks for Education and Research project (Redecomep) and project manager responsible for RNP’s Internet Data Center. In 2009 he assumes the Service Management Deputy Director of RNP being in charge of communication and collaboration services, digital content delivery services, identity management services, strategic hosting services and academic network support services. He has CCNA certificate, Relationship Marketing by Ibmec, and has published articles in the areas of networks, service management, technological innovation, and science and technology policies. He also represented RNP in the ELCIRA (Europe Latin America Collaborative e-Infrastructure for Research Activities) project coordinating actions for AAI between the EU and Latin America, and promoting the deployment of eduroam services, and coordinated the RNP's participation in the MAGIC (Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities) project. In 2016, he assumed the Solutions Deputy Directorate where he is responsible for managing RNP's programs and projects with partners, developed from the application of technical and methodological knowledge in the design, development, integration and implementation of innovative solutions using intensive ICT. Since 2020 works as Services and Solutions Director at RNP.

Heather Flanagan
Spherical Cow Consulting
Heather Flanagan, Principal at Spherical Cow Consulting, comes from a position that the Internet is led by people, powered by words, and inspired by technology. She has been involved in leadership roles with some of the most technical, volunteer-driven organizations on the Internet, including IDPro as Principal Editor, the IETF, the IAB, and the IRTF as RFC Series Editor, ICANN as Technical Writer, and REFEDS as Coordinator, just to name a few. If there is work going on to develop new Internet standards, or discussions around the future of digital identity, she is interested in engaging in that work. You can learn more about her at

Licia Florio
Licia is a Senior Trust and Identity Manager in GÉANT. Over the last fifteen years, Licia has been involved in many of key initiatives that make up the current European and global Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure for R&E and has been very active in bringing together the NRENs and the eScience communities.
Currently she co-leads the Trust and Identity activities in the context of the GEANT project; the work in this space covers eduGAIN, eduroam, eduTEAM and InAcademia as well as other activities such as Enabling Communities and the Incubator.
Licia is also working with the Erasmus project communities to enable federated access to support student mobility.
Before the GEANT project, she managed the European Funded project on Authentication and Authorisation for Research collaboration (AARC) to enable federated access for eScience research collaborations; the project ended in April 2019.
In June 2018, Licia was awarded the prestigious Medal of Honour by the Vietsch Foundation that supports research and development of advanced internet technology for scientific research and higher education.

Tom Fryer
GÉANT Association

Renato Furter
Renato is team leader of the collaboration team at SWITCH
He's been working at SWITCH since more than 10 years.
He used to be a software engineer.
He's the holder of the inaugural TNC lightning talk award.

University of Trieste
Graduated from the University of Trieste in Electronic Engineering, specializing in Telecommunications in 2001. Since then, he works in the field of academic networks and research. At present, he is responsible for the Network Services Staff Unit which manages the network infrastructure and services of the University of Trieste. He is the Director of LightNet, the Regional Research and Educational network infrastructure in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy).

Tsotne Gozalishvili
Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association
With 10 years background of being in IT field Tsotne holds the position of a senior Linux system administrator at Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association GRENA. He started his career as a network administrator in wireless internet service provider, where he worked for 3 years. After taking LPIC courses at GRENA academy he was accepted as junior sysadmin at Georgian NREN, since then he is a part of GRENA’s team.
Tsotne continued higher education and became a magister of information technologies at Tbilisi State University. In relatively short period of time he worked in wide variety of IT fields and gained huge professional experience. He is currently involved and is taking part in the implementation of two activities of GEANT GN4-3 project particularly in Wifimon and CNAAS, where he is performing the data visualization and automation.

Nicole Harris
Nicole Harris joined GÉANT in March 2013 as a Project Development Officer to support the global GÉANT Community Programme. She works primarily in the security and middleware areas and specialises in managing global IT initiatives, policy and legal issues and open source developments.
Since 2010, Nicole has been involved in REFEDS (Research and Education Federations) and continues that role as part of her GÉANT responsibilities. REFEDS is the voice that articulates the mutual needs of research and education identity federations worldwide, and provides a range of working groups, advisories and services to enhance interaction and interoperability between identity federations.
Nicole is responsible for TF-CSIRT, GÉANT's forum for CSIRTS, and works to support GÉANT's successful TRANSITS training programme as well as managing a variety of security related projects for National and Research Education Networks (NRENs). More recently, Nicole has set up the GÉANT "Greenhouse" initiative to support sustainable models for open source software projects.
Prior to joining GÉANT, Nicole worked at JISC for 10 years, supporting a range of programmes and services in the middleware, research and open source spaces. Whilst at Jisc, Nicole established the UK Access Management Federation, one of the earliest research and education identity federations to emerge.
Nicole holds a Master of Arts degree in Children's Literature, which has been more useful in her technical career than people might think.
Mihály Héder
Mihaly is a senior research fellow at SZTAKI [say: stakee] Institute for Computer Science and Control in Budapest. He has been involved in the GEANT project since 2013. His area of activity is Trust and Identity.

David Heed
David had worked over 20 years as an it-security practitioner primarily for the Swedish government and academia. David has a wide palette of skills ranging from intrusion analysis & forensics, enterprise architecture, procurement and legal ramifications.

David Heyns
Dave advises on the adoption of cloud services and related digital strategy for universities and research institutions across Europe, and countries supported within GEANT’s broader outreach.
His focus includes -
• Commercial commodity cloud services
• Platform as a Service (including Analytics/ML/AI)
• Software as a Service in support of teaching and learning, and research (including collaboration and productivity suites)
• Managed security services
Dave is the project director for OCRE (www.ocre-project.eu) on behalf of the European Commission. OCRE has constructed frameworks supporting the consumption of commercial Cloud and related Digital Services by the European R&E community (10,000+ institutes). OCRE will also stimulate this consumption by funding strategic research projects with regards cloud services.
Dave supported commercial cloud services across the global R&E community for three years. He also spent twelve years managing the deployment and support of student related solutions across the institutional enterprise at an international research university. Prior to this, he spent eighteen years as a consultant – developing and deploying enterprise systems software in the United States and Southern Africa in support of process in financial services, healthcare and the broader public sector.
Dave lives in Amsterdam and travels extensively in support of cloud related NREN activities. He is a passionate evangelist of SMART societies, particularly the use of technology in support of education in emerging economic regions.
He can be contacted at david.heyns@geant.org.

Jonathan Homa
Jonathan is Senior Director of Solutions Marketing at Ribbon Communications (formerly ECI), where he focuses on IP Optical networking and SDN solutions. In notable prior roles, Jonathan was VP Architecture Marketing at Nortel Networks, and VP Business Development at Xtellus, an optical switching startup that was sold successfully. He served on the Board of Directors of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions and the Multiservice Switching Forum. Jonathan’s career journey has taken him from Canada, to the United States, and currently to Israel.

Gyöngyi Horváth
Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT) is the Community Support Officer at the Amsterdam office of the GÉANT Association - formerly the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association, (TERENA) working with the organisation since 2007. Gyöngyi was born in Hungary and graduated from the University of Miskolc in 2002, with a Masters Degree in Sociology. Working with the community for over a decade and being responsible for organizing the community’s annual conference TNC she gained view on many future initiatives. GÉANT recognized the importance for our community to address the needs of students and educators with it supporting the educational institutions. For this a new role of Community Support Officer was created. With it lies the responsibility of working with the NREN community to support their efforts in enhancing their activities for education. Email: gyongyi.horvath@geant.org
Ljubomir Hrboka

Erik Huizer
Since July 2017 Erik Huizer is the CEO for GÉANT, Europe's leading collaboration on e-infrastructure and services for research and education. Before that he was CTO at SURFnet, the Dutch national academic and research network.
For his contributions to the Internet he has been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2014. In 2015 he was honored with the title of Dutch ICT personality of the year.
Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Bartlomiej Idzikowski graduated from Poznan University of Technology in 2003 (Computing Science - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems) and has become PSNC employee (Network Department). His research interests focus on video- and web-conferencing, high resolution video systems (4K, 8K), web-based applications, streaming technologies, network management and traffic monitoring. Bartlomiej's professional background is asserted by long-term cooperation within different European projects (GN2 – GN4, 6NET, Porta Optica Study, Phosporus, VISIONAIR), as well as national ones (Platon, Future Internet Engineering, Future ICT). Currently Task Leader for WebRTC task in GÉANT project, technical coordinator for TNC (The Networking Conference) and coordinator of the scientific TV team.

Floor Jas
SURF, Head of Network, Trust & Security
Floor has 25 years of experience within SURF, in different roles and departments. She has been interim CTO and CEO for SURFnet. Since the end of 2020, Floor is Head of SURFs Network, Trust & Security department.
Floor strongly believes in international collaboration and encourages this within her teams. Her department has been the birthplace for recent initiatives and services such as eduVPN, InAcademia, eduTEAMS and CLAW.
Floor is member of GEANTs Board of Directors since November 2020 and she is a member of the Netherlands Standardisation Forum.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones is EOSC Engagement Manager at GÉANT, where she works with NRENs on supporting Open Science. She is an information professional with over a decade working in research data services in the higher education sector. At the Digital Curation Centre she led the DMPonline service and worked on consultancy and training. Sarah was rapporteur on the European Commission’s FAIR Data Expert Group and independent expert on the EOSC Executive Board, chairing the FAIR Working Group. She now sits on the EOSC Association Board of Directors.

Christos Kanellopoulos
During the last 20 years, Christos has been involved in several European and National e-infrastructure projects, serving in technical and management positions. Since 2017, he works as a Senior Trust & Identity Manager for GEANT, where he leads T&I activities in the context of EOSC, Student Mobility and EuroHPC. Christos is the service owner of the GEANT eduTEAMS service.

Hanna Karpenka
Hanna Karpenka is a PhD student and the head of council of young scientists of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NASB).
Hanna graduated in radiophysics from the Belarusian State University in 2015 and earned a MSc in mathematics and physics from the same university in 2016.
Hanna’s scientific work is developing the algorithm for computer-aided drug design based on the methodology of click chemistry. Her current project is to test and apply neural networks for the discovery of new drugs. Hanna is a member of the organising committee of scientific and public projects of the Council of Young Scientists of the NASB such as the Festival of Science, Youth in Science etc.

Bala Kathiresan
Bala Kathiresan is the President and CEO of BCNET and the Chair of the National Research and Education Network Governance Committee. He is also a member of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training’s Administrative Services Consortium. He has over 25 years of information systems and executive leadership experience in the public and private sector organisations.
Bala has successfully led strategic alliances and partnerships in multi-stakeholder environments to create and achieve the shared vision.
Bala has served on numerous not-for-profit and public-sector boards and chaired various board committees, including finance, audit and compensation committees. He is the past Chair of the Ontario University Council of Chief Information Officers and Treasurer of the Canadian Council of Chief Information Officers. He currently serves on the Board of CANARIE and Health Claim for Auto Insurance.

Mariam Kiran
ESnet, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dr. Kiran is a research scientist in the Scientific Networking Division, at ESnet, LBNL, and is leading research efforts in AI solutions for operational network research and engineering problems. She was selected as the Royal Society's Scientists in Westminster in 2015 and is the recipient of the 2017 U.S. DOE Early Career Award. She is a member of ACM and a Senior IEEE member.
She received her Ph.D. and MSc (Eng) in Computer Science from the University of Sheffield in 2011, 2008, respectively. She joined ESnet at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2016. Her work focuses on machine learning and decentralized optimization of distributed computing system architectures, wide area networks, wireless, and Cloud infrastructures, with an emphasis on deep learning and reinforcement learning algorithms for designing and building end-to-end self-driving networks. She is also one of the developers of FLAME an open-source agent-based framework being used worldwide for multi-disciplinary research.
Yatish Kumar
Yatish is presently an affiliate with ESnet, the networking provider for the US Department of Energy. Yatish has more than 23 years of networking industry experience. He has been involved in a number of successful startups. At Corsa Networks a leading provider of SDN switches he was the founder and CTO. Prior to that at Catena Networks, which was acquired by Ciena in 2004, he led the design team responsible for developing the industry’s lowest power ADSL and POTS codecs which allowed Catena to become the leader in ADSL retrofits in all major RBOC accounts. Prior to Catena, Yatish started his career at Nortel where he contributed to and managed the development of a number of mixed signal semiconductor projects including designs for ADSL, POTS, CDMA, Cable Modems and handsets. He holds patents in DSP architectures, and data compression and has authored papers on high level synthesis, and embedded processor design as well as contributing to the development of ITU 992.1, ANSI T1.413 and Telcordia GR909 standards. But all this pales compared to the adventure of SDN.

Dragana Kupres
Strategic and project manager with 20 years of experience in e-learning / technology enhanced education. Dragana is interested in strategic planning and project management in education, education research, innovation and policy related to educational technology.

Roberto Lauretti
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
IT Coordinator at RNP, responsible for the cloud architecture team working with private, public and hybrid cloud platforms. Our team uses technologies as automation, infrastructure as a code, Kubernetes and many others to deliver value to the organization and support our customers.
Jean Lautier-Gaud

Adam Lewis
Managing Director of Digital Earth Africa Establishment Team
Adam Lewis’ vision and leadership has transformed the way spatial data is organised, prepared and analysed, leading to changes in the way satellite images are processed in Australia to produce resource information. From 2004 to 2017 he transformed Geoscience Australia’s earth and marine observation function into a globally recognised capability. He has been key to the design and development of Digital Earth Australia — technology which provides the Australian government with the data to monitor the environment and increase productivity in the agricultural and mining industries, and to the Open Data Cube, a global initiative which increases the value and use of satellite data, providing users with free access to technology and analysis platforms. Adam now leads the Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) programme, working with African stakeholders and organisations and with international partners to establish an operational Earth observation data cube specific to Africa’s lands and seas. DE Africa is an open platform, led and governed by Africans, that is making petabytes of free and open satellite data accessible to support decision-making by governments, the private sector, and civil society.
Lukasz Lopatowski
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

Marco Lorini
Marco Lorini works in the Department of Computing and Distributed Storage of GARR since 2019. He holds a master's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Roma Tre and has participated as a thesis in the implementation of network traffic sampling algorithms for internal networking devices using the P4 language. He has gained experience in microservice applications and in the use of Kubernetes.
Frédéric Loui
Jocelyn Manderveld
Jan Meijer
Maria Minaricova
Jakub Moscicki

Brian Nisbet
Brian Nisbet is Service Operations Manager at HEAnet, the Irish National Research & Education Network. He joined the company in 2001 and moved through a number of positions before being appointed to his current role in 2019.
Brian is passionate about providing the best possible services to both external and internal clients and making sure those services are designed and run with security in mind and in a supportable and measurable way.
He is Co-Chair of the RIPE Anti-Abuse Working Group.
Omo Oayia

Karen O'Donoghue
Internet Society
Karen O’Donoghue is the Research Analyst for Networks and Trust for the Internet Society, a global non-profit organization dedicated to an open, global, secure and trustworthy Internet for everyone. In this role, she supports the development, deployment, and operation of technologies, standards, and best practices to improve the security of the Internet. Karen has a long history of participation in the IETF, IEEE, and other standards bodies, as well as working in small multi-vendor teams to build technology demonstrations and build event networks. Prior to joining the Internet Society, Karen worked for the US Navy, focused on the development and application of commercial network standards and technologies to realtime Navy systems.

University of Murcia
Dr. Jordi Ortiz received the B.S. (2008), M.Sc. (2009) and PhD(2018) in Computer Science from the University of Murcia, Spain. Since 2007, Dr Ortiz is full-time researcher associated to European Research Projects such as DAIDALOS, SCALNET, SMARTFIRE, OPENLAB, GEANT 3 & 4, STORK2, ANASTACIA , SURROGATES, MIGRATE or Inspire5GPlus among others. His main fields of interest are Identity Federation, Video Streaming, SDN networks, NFV, network orchestration, dataplane programmability and IoT networks. Dr Ortiz is also part-time professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering within telematics field.

Kasandra Pillay
South African National Research Network, CSIR
Ms Kasandra Pillay is an engineer in the South African National Research Network’s (SANReN’s) Service Development and Incubation (SDI) team. She is co-ordinating the Performance Enhancement and Response Team (PERT) within the National Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System (NICIS). A core responsibility of this team is to work with researchers to assist them to move their datasets faster between local and international sites. Her qualifications include MEng and BEng Hons (Technology Management) from the University of Pretoria, and a BSc Engineering (Electronics) from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She is registered as a Professional Engineer (Pr. Eng.) with the Engineering Council of South Africa and is currently pursuing her PhD through the University of Johannesburg.
Remco Poortinga - van Wijnen
Arturo Quintana
Florida International University

Nicolas Quintin
M. Nicolas QUINTIN has joined RENATER (the French National Research and Education Network) in 2017 as part of the optical network architecture's team. He has been working on the french project REFIMEVE+ since 2013 that aims to build a national network capable of distributing optical frequency standard.
He was also a member of the CLONETS H-2020 project, and is now working as part of the CLONETS Design Study and as the sub-task leader of the GN4-3 OTFN (Optical Time and Frequency network) working group to study the implementation of a pan-European fiber network to deliver metrological time and frequency services.

Damir Regvart
Damir Regvart joined CARNET in 2003 and is Head of Network Operational Center responsible for day-to-day management activity regarding operational part of CARNET network.
He lead major infrastructural and research projects in CARNET and participated (as a team member or a task leader) in every Geant project since 2004. Currently he is leading activities in CARNET e-school project regarding cloud managed school network. His research interests are in the field of secure network communication, implementation of new network protocols and WAN technology.
Damir received his master degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in 2002.

Erik Reid
Erik Reid joined GÉANT Association in 2016 and is currently a SWD Solution Architect.

Carl Reitsma
Cloud advisory, IT procurement, sourcing, cloud governance
Mike Riley
Oracle for Research

Piotr Rydlichowski
MSc. Piotr Rydlichowski - graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Poznań University of Technology, specializing in Telecommunications Systems. Doctoral studies in "Modern Information Engineering" with particular focus on microwaves theory and techniques, EM waves theory, propagation and simulation. From 2008 at Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center in the Network Technologies Division. Participated in several scientific and research projects, both Polish and European, including: GÉANT, ROAM, COMPLETE, NLPQT. Responsible for the optical networks laboratory. Since 2017, participating in projects focusing on quantum technologies - computing and quantum communication. Participates in the activities of the OpenQKD and QUAPITAL projects and is responsible for activities related to the QKD technology within the GEANT GN4-3 WP6 group.

Menno Scheers
Dutch Higher Education & Research Sector Architecture (HOSA)
Menno is Lead-Architect for the Dutch national sector architecture for higher education and research at SURF. He is also teamlead of the CIO Office at Vrije Universiteit and has been working on digital strategy, innovation and architecture for more than fifteen years. He defined the digital strategy 2025 for Vrije Universiteit
Jochen Schoenfelder

John Scullen
Australian Access Federation Ltd (AAF)
John is the Head of Projects & Managed Services at the Australian Access Federation. He is the product manager for AAF's cloud identity provider service (Rapid Identity Provider) and privacy-preserving student verification service (VerifID). With 25 years’ experience in the higher education and research sector, John has a strong track record of successfully delivering large, complex projects and in developing innovative approaches to business and technology solutions.

Hannah Short
Hannah Short obtained a Masters Degree in Physics, specialising in Astrophysics, at Imperial College London (UK) and the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) before moving into Software Development and Computer Engineering. She has worked in both commercial and research organisations to define and implement their IT services. Hannah is currently based at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) where she contributes to various projects in Trust, Identity and Security for Research Collaborations.

Alexandros Soumplis
Systems engineer with a unique love for open source software and cloud computing
Andres Steijaert

Paul L. Stokes
Paul has had a varied career in both the commercial sector and academia (and all points in-between). At present he leads on preservation for Jisc's Preservation service (and is currently referred to as a "Product Manager"). He is a director of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and a director of the Open Preservation Foundation (OPF). He's been passionate about preservation for many decades and currently also has a number of bees in his bonnet regarding costs, value, sustainability, and storage.
Jakob Tendel
DFN - Deutsches Forschungsnetz
Jakob is senior manager for international projects and cloud services at DFN.

Charlie van Genuchten
Charlie van Genuchten is Product Manager Privacy and Security at SURFnet. She organised the first large-scale crisis exercise for SURFnet in 2016 and has been creating exercises with and for Dutch Higher Education Institutions every year since then. In 2017 and 2018, she organised CLAW, the Crisis Management Event for European NRENs, to experience, learn and share knowledge about crisis management.
Charlie studied History and Arabic and learned a lot about media and politics when she was part of the Dutch National Union of Students and the European Student Union. Although sharks have been a recurring theme at CLAW, she has luckily not encountered one as of yet.

Roland van Rijswijk - Deij
NLnet Labs and University of Twente
Roland is principal scientist at NLnet Labs, a not-for-profit foundation that performs research on, and develops open source software for, the core protocols of the Internet. Past innovation projects initiated by Roland have focused on DNS, DNSSEC, detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks, IPv6 and many other topics.
Next to his work at NLnet Labs, Roland is professor of computer network security in the Design and Analysis of Communication Systems group at the University of Twente.

David Verdin
David Verdin is a software engineer and product owner at RENATER. He has been the lead developer of the Sympa mailing list software for several years.
He is currently working on the national mutualized mailing list service, which gathers 500 thousands users on more than 30 domains, and sends 100 millions mails per year - of which most are hopefully not spams.

Helder Vitorino
Brazilian Research and Education Network (RNP)
Msc. In Knowledge and Information Technology Management by the Catholic University of Brasilia, BSc in Economic Sciences by the Faculty of Human Sciences – ESUDA. He joined RNP in 2010, where he has worked in projects and solutions manager.
Pavle Vuletic
University of Belgrade - School of electrical engineering
Pavle Vuletić obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD in Computer Systems and Network Architecture from University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering. He used to work at the University of Belgrade, Computer Centre as a senior network engineer while Computer Centre was responsible for the development of Serbian Research and Education Network (AMRES), and later as a deputy director of AMRES. He is currently associate professor at the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering at the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Theory, teaching Advanced Computer Networks, Data security and Software Defined Networks courses. His research interests span from network management principles to network and service performance and network security. Prof. Vuletic was involved in several EC projects related to the area of research and education networking. He was a leader of research tasks exploring multi-domain control and management principles and network service performance in four GÉANT projects.

Frans Ward
Frans Ward is a Senior Technical Product Manager at SURF and has been responsible for innovation projects in the area of Trust and Identity, Service Delivery and Educational Services. For the past five years his focus was mainly on Open Badges and Micro-credentialing, the Open Educational API and Open Educational Resources; projects that are part of the SURF innovation programme 'Education Innovation with IT'. Frans studied Business Information Technology at Rotterdam University. After working at the Erasmus University IT department for more than 12 years he joined SURFnet in 1999.

Klaas Wierenga
Klaas is Chief Information & Technology Officer at GÉANT. He is responsible for GÉANT's Trust & Identity, Security, Cloud, Product Management, Software Development and IT teams at GEANT.
Klaas has an extensive background in innovation management, with an emphasis on identity, mobility and security. Before joining GÉANT, Klaas was a Senior Consulting Engineer and Identity Architect at respectively Cisco Systems' Research and Advanced Development group and Cloud Infrastructure Services group. Before that, Klaas was an Innovation Manager and Manager of Middleware Services at SURFnet, the Netherlands NREN. There, Klaas built the first generation of federated identity systems and he was the creator of the eduroam service for WiFi roaming in research and education.
In 2012 Klaas was the recipient of the first GÉANT (then TERENA) Community Award for creating eduroam. Klaas served as chair of the GÉANT Task Force on Mobility for more than 10 years, as chair of the IETF Abfab working group, as a member of the IETF Security Directorate and as a TNC programme committee member and chair.
Klaas is (co-)author of 'Building the Mobile Internet' (Cisco Press, 2011) and 'Wireless Networking in the Developing World' (2013), as well as three RFCs. He also holds five US patents.
In September 2019 Klaas was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in recognition for his invention of eduroam.

Esther Wilkinson
Dr Esther Wilkinson is a specialist in international education in the UK, and the Head of International at Jisc. Esther leads Jisc’s international strategy and strategic development of Jisc’s transnational education support programme. Esther has worked in various roles in higher education, previously as Assistant Director in the Universities UK International Unit delivering UK Government and overseas programmes, in addition to managing operations for the Unit. Prior to this, Esther delivered a number of projects in the UK Research Councils for over 13 years; these included £multi-million Government longitudinal studies in the medical and social sciences, and establishing the RCUK Strategy Unit. Other roles included a brief spell as a police officer in London, and as ‘Planetary Protection Officer’ on the Beagle2 Mission to Mars at the Open University. Esther has a First-Class BSc Hons, DIC and PhD in Chemistry from Imperial College.

Chris Wilkinson

Mark Williams
Mark Williams has been involved in education all his working life and has been part of the federated authentication and access community since 2007. He is currently the manager of the UK Access Management federation for Jisc. Previous roles in JISC included responsibility for the JISC / Research Discovery Network, Further Education resources hub.
Prior to that, Mark managed an e-learning team at a UK Further Education College and was originally a teacher of History and English as a Foreign Language both in his home country and overseas. Mark’s other interests include lego, horses, film making, art history and games with polyhedral dice.

Stefan Winter
Restena Foundation
Stefan Winter graduated in Computer Science at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, in September 2004, with a specialisation in telematics and foundations of Computer Science. He is working as R&D Engineer for the Luxembourg Research and Education Network RESTENA, where network roaming and identity federations are in the focus of his activities. He led the R&D work for eduroam during several incarnations of the GEANT projects. He is member of the eduroam Operational Team in Europe (leading the development of the eduroam CAT software) and the Global eduroam Governance Committee.