Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks are 5 minute presentations focusing on one key point. This can be an idea, successful project, a cautionary story, collaboration invitation, quick tip or demonstration. This session is an opportunity for ideas to get the attention they deserve.
All Lightning Talks will take place on Friday 25 June, starting at 10.00 CEST.
Just Consume It!
Real agility comes from quick, easy access to tools and information. This is crucial to one’s ability to quickly evolve the one’s activities and output at the same rate at which innovation occurs. This lightening talk will briefly explore this agility in terms of activities relating to teaching and learning, and research.
We will also look at the obstacles (and related misconceptions) to the easy consumption of cloud based digital services. These include digital sovereignty; data security; protection of personal information.
This topic will include the importance of the digital (identical) twin in driving efficiencies in the delivery of all that is SMART through AI (SMART cities; campuses; schools).
- David Heyns (GEANT)
Sell your IPv4 addresses and become rich and famous!
If you have IPv4 addresses, you are wealthy. They are worth serious money today. Before selling your stockpile to hungry traders, of course you first have to assess whether your constituency will need them in the future - which might not be an easy question to answer. Let's consider the scenario that you don't need them anymore. What is next? What are the ethical and moral dilemmas that you will find on your path? Will selling those addresses turn you in a modern version of Doctor Faustus or is it just the best thing you can do on your way to become an even better NREN?
- Floor Jas (SURF, Head of Network, Trust & Security)
RNP's Kubernetes Ecosystem
The presentation will show a project for the successful deployment of a Kubernetes Ecosystem at RNP, the Brazilian National Research and Education Network. Establishing and running Kubernetes and related software poses a big and continuous challenge to organizations. The project team had to understand the communities around Kubernetes and they chose to deploy software from many projects in order to achieve the goal: a platform to manage Kubernetes clusters (Rancher), monitoring tools (Prometheus and Grafana), a tool to automate TLS certificates generation (cert-manager), SDS integration (Ceph's RBD integration), network load balancers (MetalLB), backup (Velero) and so on.
- Roberto Lauretti (RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa)
The metadata is more than we can chew
There are over 7000 entities in the eduGAIN metadata. The result of serialization of this information yields a file of 60MB. All SAML stacks are functionally able to consume metadata files but the processing requires special treatment from the operational side. As an example, if one uses SimpleSAMLphp to consume the feed, the default memory limits - which should suit practically all PHP applications under normal use-cases - will need to be increased substantially, along with the maximum script execution time. Similarly, in case of a Shibboleth SP, loading directly from eduGAIN metadata can cause noticeable and unwanted downtime.
In the GN4-3 Trust and Identity Incubator project we stress-tested the four common SAML stacks with our mockup-metadata that comes in 10k,15k,30k,50k and 100k elements. In this lightning talk, you'll learn whether there is any SAML stack that can handle such big metadata.
- Mihály Héder (SZTAKI)
Telomerase - eternal life or a panacea for all cancers!?
Telomerase is considered the key to cellular immortality, the "fountain of youth." This enzyme allows cells to multiply rapidly without aging. At the same time, telomerase allows cancer cells to divide indefinitely, which is the reason for the formation of tumors.
Scientists from all over the world have been trying to solve this problem for a very long time. But today there is no exact model of the structure of human telomerase, due to the complexity of the structure and the high cost of this study.
Computer modeling methods make it possible to quickly and cost-effectively reconstruct the spatial structure of human telomerase by homology based on the structural data of related templates. The work is done with the help of the State Supercomputer Multi-access Center of the UIIP NASB and the NREN BASNET network infrastructure. Computer methods of molecular dynamics optimize the model and make it accurate enough for rational design drugs and will help to understand that telomerase is eternal life or a panacea for oncology.
- Hanna Karpenka (UIIP NASB / BASNET)
A testbed to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap in Industrial Control Systems
In today’s market-driven economy, businesses opt for efficient and more connected control systems that provide more visibility, efficiency, and information about the industrial process. On the other hand, increased connectivity also presents new cybersecurity concerns. Attacks on Industrial Control Systems (ICS) can have a significant impact not only on the organisation, but also within the wider economy, and may even become a threat to human life.
This project proposes a testbed to equip ICS defenders with tools to visualise the ICS cyber kill chain end-to-end, identify weaknesses and harden an ICS environment. This open-source simulation project tries to achieve a realistic and holistic visualisation of an ICS organisation combining nodes typically found in both the Enterprise and Control zones, to grow capacity in the ICS cybersecurity space.
- Conrad Ekisa (Institute of Technology, Carlow)
National Research and Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia (NRADRE)
Data repositories are carried out by some of individual institutions and the level of implementation varies. It is still lacking a comprehensive and quality system that can capture all research publications and projects in Ethiopian higher education institutions. It is important to optimize the opportunity offered by the ever-evolving digital environment to consolidate and systematize the increasingly volume of information, it can be journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, thesis, dissertations and researches will be deposited in institutional repositories and be easily
‘findable’ by users. It is envisaged that a national system that catalogues all research publications and projects in Ethiopian higher education would help researchers to efficiently identify a research gap and reduce duplicate works. EthERNet succeeded in its mission of helping Ethiopian esearchers find, access, use/re-use and share research and journals. Many participants who have interest in researches and education will attend the program, I believe it would be great to share
this successful project with all participants.
- Lensa Abera (Ethiopian Education and Research Network)
NetPredict: A Google-Map Style Tool to View and Schedule Congestion-free Transfers
In this lightning talk, we present NetPredict, a platform tool hosted on Google Cloud Platform, that allows real-time deep learning model-based prediction, plugged into actual SNMP statistics from ESnet routers to forecast network utilization up to 48 hours in the future. The tool leverages a unique graph neural network that builds upon Dynamic Convolutional neural network methods to help improve predictions by 85% compared to all statistical and standard deep learning models available.
- Mariam Kiran (ESnet, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Incident Management: The First Fifteen Minutes
Incident management is extremely complex, and every organisation and system has its own complexities and priorities. There are also many common elements involved, including ensuring that roles have been clearly established, that those who can fix the problem are being left alone to do so and that communication has started with everyone who needs to be kept updated.
In HEAnet we have recently updated our major incident processes with a focus on the first fifteen minutes, a clear checklist of items, with handy flowcharts, which can be applied to any type of incident and that will form a solid foundation for incident communication and resolution.
Why fifteen minutes? Firstly, I like the alliteration of The First Fifteen Minutes, but also because this is a rough period in which staff can realise there is an incident that needs management, during which more people can be involved and that clients will understand as an acceptable amount of time for very initial communication to start.
This LT will explain some of the thinking behind our choices and outline what those first fifteen minutes look like and show how easy it is to integrate this type of plan into any existing incident management process, or how it can form the basis of an entirely new one.
- Brian Nisbet (HEAnet)