GÉANT welcomes the community to gather at the booth to view some presentations on the following topics:
Monday 17 June 2019
Lunch Break | 12:30 – 13:15 | Tom Fryer |
GÉANT Maps and the Global Interactive Connectivity Map Connectivity and backbone maps are an excellent way of showing stakeholders, from partner networks, to end users, to funding bodies such as the EU, the extent and capacity of R&E network connections. GÉANT updates its network maps (European backbone and global connections, static and interactive) on a regular basis. GÉANT also participates in a global initiative, along with R&E networks around the globe, to develop a global R&E interactive map. This demonstration will present the latest GÉANT maps, and the progress made towards a fully global interactive R&E network map. |
Lunch Break | 13:15 – 14:00 | Temoor Khan |
Key tools used by the GEANT OC With 12000+km of fibre, 147 Optical Nodes, 30 IP routers and services running on top of this network have you ever wondered how GÉANT Operation Centre manage service requests, changes and incidents on this network? Temoor from GÉANT operations centre will be available on the booth to answer any question that you may have about team structure, processes, monitoring tools used to make it all work. |
Coffee Break | 15:30 – 16:00 | Szymon Trocha |
Performance Measurement Platform (PMP) /perfSONAR Demo perfSONAR team will present the Performance Measurement Platform (PMP) which is a successor of the successfully completed perfSONAR Small Nodes activity within the GÉANT project. PMP consists of the low-cost hardware nodes with pre-installed perfSONAR software and central components to store and present data. The demonstration will show this production service that is available for GÉANT collaborating organisations in Europe and beyond. |
Tuesday 18 June 2019
Coffee Break | 10:30 – 11:00 | Temoor Khan |
Key tools used by the GEANT OC With 12000+km of fibre, 147 Optical Nodes, 30 IP routers and services running on top of this network have you ever wondered how GÉANT Operation Centre manage service requests, changes and incidents on this network? Temoor from GÉANT operations centre will be available on the booth to answer any question that you may have about team structure, processes, monitoring tools used to make it all work. |
Lunch Break | 13:00 – 13:30 | Szymon Trocha |
Performance Measurement Platform (PMP) /perfSONAR Demo perfSONAR team will present the Performance Measurement Platform (PMP) which is a successor of the successfully completed perfSONAR Small Nodes activity within the GÉANT project. PMP consists of the low-cost hardware nodes with pre-installed perfSONAR software and central components to store and present data. The demonstration will show this production service that is available for GÉANT collaborating organisations in Europe and beyond. |
Coffee Break | 15:30 – 16:00 | Tom Fryer |
BELLA The construction process of the EllaLink cable began at the beginning of 2019. When the cable system enters production at the end of 2020, it will provide BELLA connectivity directly between Europe and Latin America. In March 2019 members of the BELLA team visited the ASN factories in Greenwich, UK, and Calais, France, where the cable equipment and cable are being manufactured respectfully, to learn about the construction process and its current status. This session will provide an overview of what the BELLA team learned on the visit and the work that the BELLA team before the cable goes live at the end of next year. |
Wednesday 19 June 2019
Coffee Break | 10:30 – 11:00 | Helga Spitaler |
In the Field Blog Launched in October 2015 as a Global PR Network initiative, the In The Field blog (www.inthefieldstories.net) showcases the impact of R&E networks around the world. To date over 290 story contributions featuring more than 90 NRENs and RRENs across 6 continents have been published. These stories cover a diverse range of topics, including climate science, education, food security etc. This platform is recognised as the go-to place for promoting the strength and usefulness of R&E networks, not just in a country or region, but in the collective global R&E network ecosystem.Come to see us at the GÉANT booth on Wednesday 19th June from 10:30-11:00 to find out how the blog can work for you and to enter a draw to win a slick portable Bluetooth speaker. |
Lunch Break | 12:30 – 12:50 | Kenjiro Yamanaka |
320Gbps data transfer experiment by NII/SINET and GÉANT Advanced research projects build large experimental devices under international collaborations and share huge measured data with distant research partners, a high-speed academic network is critical for research efficiency. Currently, major counties/regions are connected by multiple 100G lines but since conventional transfer protocols cannot use multiple paths effectively,the transfer speed is limited to 100 Gbps. NII has developed a fast data transfer protocol, MMCFTP (Massively Multi-Connection File Transfer Protocol) which supports multi-path data transfer. At TNC19, we will attempt data transfers between Tokyo and Amsterdam over four 100 Gbps lines. |